Simpson and Sons – Septic Tank Cleaning in Gippsland

Septic Tank Cleaning Service - Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Do Septic Tanks Need To Be Emptied?
From Experience–based on a family of four–every 3 to 4 years to ensure the system functions smoothly.

Where Is My Septic Tank?
If you have a modern home, your house plans should be able to tell you the location of your septic tank.

What Distance Can You Pump?
We carry an extensive array of hoses to access all septics.

What Cleaning Products Should We Use On Our Toilets/showers?
We recommend using natural products or white vinegar. Large amounts of disinfectant or other strong chemicals can kill the normal bacteria and interfere with the system.

What Are The Signs That Our Septic Tank Is Full?
When it starts to smell for a few days in a row
When the toilet is slow to flush away
When the water is slow to drain from your shower or sink
There may be gurgling sounds or your system has a blockage

How To We Maintain Our Septic System?
Have your septic cleaned out regularly
Use natural cleaning products, white vinegar, orange power, enjo products
Use minimal amounts of harsh products such as disinfectants
Do not dispose of non-biodegradable materials in septic such as nappy liners or sanitary products

What Size Is My Septic Tank?
Normally if your septic tank takes all your household waste it is a 3200 litre. If your septic tank only takes toilet waste then it is likely to be an 1800 litre.

Tips For A Healthy Efficient Septic System
Have your septic pumped out regularly
Allow as little grease or fat into the system
Do not dispose of non-biodegradable materials into your septic. (eg. plastic, nappy liners or sanitary products)
Do not dispose of old medicines or large amounts of disinfectant into your septic
Keep trees and shrubs with large root systems well clear of your septic and dispersment lines

Septic Tank Cleaning Service - FAQs